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Windows users will likely have more success following this guide by using Windows Subsystem for Linux as their command line interface. More thorough "pure-Windows" documentation will be added in the future.

Option 1: Dev Container

The recommended way to set up a development environment is to use utilize our Dev Container configuration to build a containerized environment. You may run a Dev Container in the cloud using GitHub Codespaces, or locally using Docker Desktop on OSX and Windows.

GitHub Codespaces

GitHub Codespaces is a cloud-based development environment that allows you to develop PsychoAnalyze without installing any software on your local machine. To use GitHub Codespaces, click the "Code" button at the top of the repository and select "Open with Codespaces". This will open a new Codespace in your browser. Once the Codespace is ready, you will be able to open a terminal and run one of our base commands.

Local Dev Container

Required: Docker Desktop

  1. Clone the repository
  2. Open the repository in VS Code
  3. Install the Dev Containers extension
  4. Use Ctrl+Shift+P to open the command palette and select "Remote-Containers: Reopen in Container" (or, accept the prompt from VS Code to do so).

Option 2: Install dependencies manually

PsychoAnalyze uses

  • Python 3.11
  • Poetry for package and virtual environment management
  • Pre-commit for automated code formatting, linting, type checking, and automated testing as part of a pre-commit workflow.

All other dependencies are defined in pyproject.toml and will be installed automatically in your active virtual environment when you run poetry install.


Python and Poetry can be installed and version-managed with asdf, an awesome environment management tool.