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PsychoAnalyze welcomes contributions, feature requests and bug reports from everyone!

If you are a researcher seeking to use PsychoAnalyze in your own research context, we'd love to help you get started!

Here are 3 ways you can

Eager to contribute but not sure where to start? Check out our roadmap to see what we have planned!

Feature Requests

PsychoAnalyze aims to be community-driven software. If you would like to use PsychoAnalyze in your own research context, please let us know what features you need to make that possible. Examine our roadmap to see what we already have planned, and open an issue using the "Feature Request" template to let us know what you need.

Bug Reports

If you encounter a bug, please open an issue using the "Bug Report" template.


If you have experience working in Python, we'd love to have your help developing PsychoAnalyze! See our our page on environment to set up your environment via Codespaces or otherwise. Familiarize yourself with the API and our tests. Then, consider picking up an issue on GitHub! Write your tests first and get feedback if necessary. Submit a pull request to main when you believe a feature is ready to merge.

Tip: no one's ever made a pull request that was too small and too easy to review ๐Ÿ™‚